Free community activities for wellbeing
Art - Crafts - Cookery - Gardening

Welcome!We are a local voluntary organisation based in East Grinstead for people aged 18+We provide free weekly activity groups with a focus on wellbeing, community and reducing stress.We offer a safe place to connect with others and we try to make joining a creative activity as easy and inclusive as we can.

About Us

The Ashdown Hub is a voluntary organisation in The Ashdown Forest area.
We are a registered charity (number 1192088).
Contact us for more information.
We support adults (+18) who live in Sussex and Surrey within travelling distance of East Grinstead.We believe that community and creativity are essential to health.We try to support and include a diverse group of people who want to focus on their health.That's why we offer a variety of free activities, run by trained volunteers, every week.People tell us our groups are enjoyable and they feel included and connected to neighbours and other people in the communityIf you want to meet new people, learn and practice creative skills, and support your health, please get in touch.Thanks to donations, all the groups are currently free to participants.

Have you considered joining one of our groups?

It's well known that creative activities, connecting with others, and spending time in nature is good for well being.However sometimes this is easier said than done.
We aim to include people wherever we safely can.
If you think you might need extra help to join us (for example, if there are barriers such as mobility problems, disability, mental health or lack of confidence) we are happy to think together about what would make things easier and see what we can do to help. Please contact us and we would be happy to think together about how to make joining us a little easier.
We always try our best to include people.
Click here for more information about us.

Our Groups

Art groups in local accessible spaces.

We current run groups at different accessible sites like local libraries or colleges.Contact us to find out the program and spaces for the next half term.Coming up, we have limited spaces in our Monday Art for Relaxation group at East Grinstead Library 1-2.30pm.We also have limited spaces for our Friday groups below.

Friday Groups

If you're interested in arts, gardening, or cookery, check out our groups at the Tobias School of Art in East Grinstead RH19 4LZ on Fridays from 11:00 AM to 2.45 PM. You can come for one group or stay for the day.
The groups are currently:
11-12.30 art for relaxation
11-12.30 gardening group
11-1.30 cookery group
lunch group 12.30-1.15
1.30-2.45 art for relaxation
1.30-2.45 gardening group
Adopter group:We host a group for adopters at any stage after adoption. This meets every half term.Contact us ([email protected]) for more details, or fill in an application form below.

Free of charge

All our groups are currently free of charge.We also offer free materials and drinks for our regular weekly groups.Our groups are free because of grants and volunteering, so here are some thank yous (more on our Facebook page)
Grants which have recently helped us to continue to offer groups free of charge for participants include from: Gardening with Disabilities Trust, The Chalk Hill Trust, The National Lottery, Local Giving, The Henry Smith Charity, The Forrester Family Trust, Sussex Community Foundation, Our local Council, local groups such as The East Grinstead Lions and The East Grinstead Memorial Trust, and donations from kind individuals (both time, materials and money).
We also thank Tobias School of Art and Counselling for gifting us their space for the Friday groups.
We thank everyone who has volunteered their time and offered gifts and services at below market rate, which is what keeps us running.
Please contact us for more info or to book a place.You can also phone or text 07923930352. This is an answerphone so leave a message and we'll call back.

What people say about the groups:

"The Ashdown hub has been a blessing in my life … I’ve been met with so much help , warmth understanding all unconditional … the volunteers at the Tuesday art group have been so lovely, welcoming and helpful no matter the struggles in their own lives and regardless of any difficulties I’ve always been included and welcomed.. thank you for making me feel valued no matter the circumstance… I will forever be grateful to each and every person who walked thought the doors"
"A supportive and fun group. Lots of opportunities to try something new and plenty of materials. Without any pressure."
Ashdown Hub is a truly exceptional community-orientated initiative bringing so much gentle, encouraging support with unconditional kindness and the opportunity to experience and learn new skills and creativity amongst friendly like minded people. Jaquie and Sarah are always welcoming, friendly and thoroughly reassuring to newcomers. Thank you for changing lives and inspiring us all, we're truly grateful 🙏
"It kept me going at a difficult time"
"So peaceful to put the phone away and be outside for a change.""The group is the main thing I've been looking forward to.""I have benefited hugely from the groups.""they have been a reliable oasis""I feel so much better each week for coming and really notice when I miss a week.""just giving myself some space has really helped. I don't do this at all apart from the group""I feel hopeful."

If you might like to come, you are welcome to try a session out or to get information about groups here.
contact us to book a space or for info.

How can you help us:

- If offered a weekly slot, try to come regularly to make the most of the space and treat everyone with respect and kindness.- Consider joining our amazing team of volunteers. Volunteers are the heart of our organization and we aim to offer good training and support.- Give us money :)Donations are very welcome- big or small!
Money goes directly towards our group and we spend it extremely carefully.
Some people who join our groups feel able to donate towards the cost of their place and we really value this. Thank you! A suggested donation is £10 a session but any amount is very welcome.
Please donate via the Local Giving page, make us your easyfundraising charity so each time you shop online, we get a donation without it costing you anything. Our registered charity number is 1192088.

Get in touch

Our answerphone number is 07923930352 (for info about a group or to book a space, please leave a message, or text us, and we will call back in the next week)You can use our application form if you'd like to join us,or email [email protected] or use the form below to ask questions.For urgent mental health support organisation numbers, click here.Our privacy policy can be found here.

About Art Journalling

Art Journalling- a "conversation with yourself"We ran a Zoom Art Journalling group through lock-down. People told us this was a really eye-opening and helpful technique. The Zoom group has now finished as we start our in-person groups, but please feel free to look through this information in case you want to try it out yourself.
This is a safe technique but as always, if you are under the care of a health professional, let them know you plan to try this out and check it's right for you.
What is visual journalling?
There's lots of info here and some of our volunteers have made a video discussing the technique. You can see this on YouTube
Well-known psychologist and arts therapist Cathy Malchiodi has written a helpful article and we have her permission to share this with you click here
What is it?
Basically you take time to check in with your body and your feelings each day and make an image (it doesn't have to be a great work of art). Then you look at and think about what you have made.
Does this sound light-weight? Don't dismiss it! Simple things can be powerful and this is one of our favourite techniques for getting to know your own mind, so we'd love you to try it out.
It's an evidence-based, rewarding practice to promote good mental health
Do I need to be artistic?
No! Not at all. This isn't an art class and you don't need to be able to draw anything recognisable! You don't even need to show anyone else what you've made. There are options to take photos, make models or do scrapbooking if you hate drawing.
What do I need?
A pen and some scrap paper is enough but you could use coloured pens, paints, old catalogues or you can use your phone. A plain drawing pad is really useful if you have one but not essential.
Click here for basic instructions. Wishing you happy journalling and good mental health!

More about us

We offer activity-based groups to support wellbeing and mental health.We aren't a crisis service and don't provide treatment. Click here if you need urgent help.Our groups are very simple. We meet once a week with the same small group of people do an activity and check in.Facilitators make sure groups are safe, respectful and welcoming for all and we have a code of conduct for participating.We are not linked to any church, religious or political group and are open to all.If you are a professional referring a potential participant, please click here for informationIt costs the charity at least £100 for one person to attend for a 12-week group and we support over 100 people a year, so we need to raise lots of money.If you can make a donation of any amount towards costs or to pay for someone else to attend in future we would be grateful.We never ask for money in the groups and donations are not needed to join.Please donate on our local giving page

© The Ashdown Hub, 2020. All rights reserved.

Thank you for being in touch

Your message has been received.One of our team will be in touch, usually within in the next week. If you need urgent mental health help, please click here.

Urgent Help

Finding support for mental healthIf you’re worried about your mental health, we warmly encourage you to seek support.In a health emergency, please call 999 or attend your nearest A&ESussex Mental Healthline:
0800 0309500
24/7 free telephone service offering listening support, advice, information, and signposting to anyone experiencing difficulties with their mental health.
General health support and information:Contact your GP (or community mental health team if you have one)
Call 111 or see for physical or mental health advice
Other organisations/ charities who might be helpfulSamaritans
Free emotional support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
116 123 (Freephone 24 hours a day)
Mind provides advice, resources and support to empower people experiencing mental health problems
0300 123 3393 (9am-6pm Mon-Friday except bank holidays)
SilverlineFor people over 55. Confidential, free helpline open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days of the year.
0800 4 70 80
Sussex Mental Healthline can provide details of other organisations which support mental health (0800 0309500) - there are many other organisations and this list is just a start.

Privacy Document

Please find our privacy document attached below.GDPRVolunteers and employees from The Ashdown Hub who process your personal data will be called“we” in this document.We are committed to protecting your personal information. This privacy notice relates to our use of your personal information. Personal data (any information identifiably about you) may be collected from you in person, by letter, email or over the telephone.We collect and process personal and sensitive data (for example data about your mental health) in order to contact you to inform you about our groups, to ensure safety and suitability of our service for you and other group members and to keep a clinical record of your attendances at an activity-based support group for healthWe will ensure that data is accurate, relevant and limited to what is necessary to run our groupWhat information we collect
We will collect and process information when you contact us to express an interest in our organisation. At the point of initial enquiry, we will respond to you on the contact
details you provide (email or phone)
We will ask you to complete an information form, which we will normally send to you by email. The form is usually sent and stored as a googledoc, but if you prefer can also be sent as a word document attached to protonmail, or in the post as a hard copy, or completed by you telling us your details over the phone.We will ask for, and record:
Your reason for contact and which groups and activities you are interested in
Date of birth
Email Address
Telephone number
Preferred way to contact you. (You can update and change preferences at any time)
Permission to display your art or creative work on our website, newsletter or social media, or at an exhibition (no faces shown)
Permission to use your artwork to create merchandise to support the charity.
The name of your GP for emergencies only
Health, support or dietary needs you would like us to know
Permission to store your phone number on our volunteer’s mobile phone
Emergency contact
Our email system is Protonmail, which is a secure, encrypted email system.
There is information available from proton mail about their security and encryption
We also have a newsletter which we operate from Mailchimp.
The newsletter is sent out 4 times a year and you can chose to sign up to this by providing your email address on the link on our website.
Your email address is then stored on the Mailchimp system. You can unsubscribe at any time. You can participate in the groups without subscribing to the newsletter.
Here is what Mailchimp says about its own privacy and legal policies:
After you complete the initial enquiry form, a trained member of the team (a group facilitator) will review your form and be in touch by the way you have asked us to contact youWe may also arrange a phone call for further information before
you start with us.
We store your data and information we need for you to be included in the groups, (which we find out from you during this phone call, or in the course of the
group sessions) on a password protected clinical records system
Smilenotes has its own information about privacy and the security of its data which is available below [last accessed 10/10/2024]:
How we use this informationWe use the information you give us:1. To provide a record of your attendance at a group and any support or advice we provide
because of your activities with us
As we are an activity rather than a health group, we do not make individual clinical notes after each session.
We do write a record about the group’s activities to help us run safely and efficiently, storing this in our Smilenotes record system. On this record, we note who has attended the group, and comments about the group’s activities. We consider this record confidential to team members at The Ashdown Hub with a need to know such as group facilitators or safeguarding advisors.
We do not write in your NHS record nor contact your health professionals routinely.
If you have been referred to us by a healthcare professional, we may
inform the professional whether you have been offered a place on a group. We will not provide any
further routine report about what you do at the group to the professional.
We record in the Smilenotes weekly record if any of our qualified team members have given any health advice or recommendations to individual group participants, or if we have had any cause for concern about an individual’s health or wellbeing, and how we have acted on these concerns
2. To ensure continuity of care during your time with our service, for example transferring between groups.3. For anonymised information for accounts and grant- seeking purposes.4. To contact you about your ongoing group.5. To contact you, if you consent to this, when new groups or events with our organisation become available that may be of benefit to you.6. At your request and with your consent unless in emergency, to liaise with health or social
professionals involved in your care
7. To seek emergency help if we believe you or others are at risk of harm8. For quality feedback and audit purposes- this will be anonymisedOur lawful basis for processing your personal and sensitive data, is legitimate need in order to
provide information about groups, contractual need in order to offer support group services and legal requirement to keep a health record of participation in therapeutic activity support groups. We do not pass on your information for commercial purposes. We take all reasonable steps to ensure that our information is kept up to date and rectified if necessary. It is your responsibility to inform us if any personal information changes, in order that our records are accurate.
Links to External WebsitesOur website does not record your data unless you send us a message via "contact us”.
However, on our website, there are links to external websites and phone numbers for mental health
information or support such as Samaritans and Sussex Mental Healthline. These are separate organisations/ charities
Please see these websites' and organisations' individual privacy and personal data handling information.
We also have links to external fundraising organisations and donation portals, such as Easyfundraising who have their own data protection policies.
We also use a link to Mailchimp on our website for our newsletter
This permits you to sign up to be
sent an Ashdown Hub newsletter (normally 4 times a year), and occasional other similar updates
Mailchimp holds the email addresses of people who sign up to receive our newsletter via the link on our website.
It does not keep them for any other purpose.
Please see Mailchimp for their data protection policies. You may unsubscribe at any
time via Mailchimp or contacting [email protected]
How long do we keep personal information?
We keep your personal data for no longer than reasonably necessary. We are legally required to retain health records for 8 years after a last clinical contact. We do not consider normal activity groups to be a clinical contact but we will make an keep a record if any trained professionals give you any health advice or signposting at a group, or if they consider they have had cause for concern about your health or contacted health professionals about concerns for your health
You are under no statutory or contractual requirement or obligation to provide us with your
personal or sensitive data but failure to do so may mean you are not able to participate in group activities.
Sharing your personal data.
We do not normally share your data or information with any person outside our organisation.
If you ask us to contact professionals involved in your care (for example your doctor, mental health professional or other health or care professional), we may share data with your consent. This information would normally be passed on in the form of a written letter which is given to you. If this is the case, the letter becomes your
responsibility and the protection of its contents is your responsibility. If the information is passed electronically by email, it will be with your consent, by proton mail. We will take all reasonable precautions to transmit the information securely.
We have a professional duty to share your personal information if this necessary to prevent serious harm to your health or safety, or that of another person. If we believe this is necessary, we will discuss this with you as soon as we can.
If there is an immediate risk to health or safety and we cannot discuss this with you, we will share personal data to prevent harm (for example with the emergency services or adult safeguarding team) and will discuss this with you as soon as possible.
How do we protect your information?
We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect.
Controlling your personal information
You are entitled to request a copy of the personal information we hold about you and to have any discrepancies rectified if appropriate.
If you believe that any information
we are holding on you is incorrect or incomplete, please write to
or email us and we will promptly correct any information where legally possible. You are entitled to request that we transfer your data direct to another controller and to request that your personal data is erased where it is no longer necessary to retain it. We will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties unless we have your permission or are required by law to do so.
We confirm that we do not transfer data abroad or use any form of automated decision making in our organisation.
Changes to our privacy policyAll changes will be notified on our website
Any questions or complaints regarding this privacy notice should be addressed to:
The Trustees, c/o administrator, Ashdown Hub
Last updated and published on 10.10.2024

Visual JournallingWe want to share this technique with you that we have used with other people for some time. It was part of a Zoom group over lock down.
Clinical volunteers Jeanne-Claire and Jo had a chat on zoom about this practice around this time and we keep this recording below in case it's helpful
YouTube video
We don’t know you in person yet, and so don’t know your background. If you are reading along and having a go, and something doesn’t feel comfortable or suitable for you, don’t do it. If you are under professional care, please discuss your plans to try this technique and its suitability for you at the moment
If you need to change something in these instructions to make journalling more comfortable to do, this is fine. If you are worried about your mental health, please click here
1. Finding the right time, being readyGive yourself the gift of some time each day for this supportive practice.
We know this can be easier said than done. 30 minutes to an hour is ideal, but 10 minutes would do. It can help to aim for the same time each day.
Try to find a quiet period where you won’t be disturbed, at a time you won’t forget. Make sure you are comfortable, and aren’t hungry or cold. You can even set an alarm to remind you of your practice time.
Gather together some materials before you start (these could be pen and paper but if you have the following then they might be helpful and fun to use: coloured pencils, pens, old catalogues, scissors and glue, modelling clay or materials, phone for photos)
2. Check in with yourself, with curiosity and kindness.Your body:Here are some basic instructions we find helpful in checking in with the body, but if they don’t suit you, feel free to adapt them.Sitting upright in a supportive chair with your feet comfortably on the floor
Check in with your body: ask how is my body feeling today?
Really trying to notice what is there, with a friendly curiosity, without trying to change anything. Can you feel your feet today? Perhaps the soles of your feet are resting on the floor. How does this feel? Are you able to feel your toes? All of them? Perhaps you aren’t. That’s OK. Perhaps there are intense feelings, or buzzing, itching, hot or cold. That’s all OK. Scan your body. Are there areas of muscle tension, perhaps in the hips, in the tummy area, in the shoulders or jaw. It’s OK if there are. Just noticing and not trying to change what you find. Which parts of your body are you most aware of? Are the feelings intense? Pleasant? Are they there all the time or do they come and go? Being curious about the areas of the body you aren’t noticing at the moment. How is your tummy feeling today? Is there churning, or rumbling? How about the breath? Can you feel the rhythmical movement of the chest wall and tummy? Perhaps you notice the steady flow of breath in and out past the nostrils?
Your feelings?Ask yourself “How am I feeling today?”.
If I had to find some words for my mood, what would they be? Are the feelings intense? Are they a mixture of feelings, partly feeling one thing and partly something else? Really try to look hard and be curious without criticising what you notice or trying to change it.
Are you perhaps feeling nothing at all? It is fine to feel whatever you are feeling, whether this is pleasant or unpleasant, strong or even not there at all, and also to struggle to put words to what you are feeling. Just noticing with kindly attention
You might like to glance down a list of feeling words to help with this (you can find these online easily by googling “list of feelings”. The Hoffman Institute has a good list, for example and it might help to print it out)
3. Try drawing or making an image of how you feel.
This sounds hard, but there are lots of techniques to help and it’s important just to have a go- you can’t get it wrong.
Here are three simple options:
Scribble what you feel in your body:
Take a pen and scribble on the paper. If you feel churning in your tummy, maybe draw a swirl in the middle of the page, and maybe you have a heavy head so you draw lots of lines at the top of the page
“I made the image below on a day I didn’t know what I felt, and bits of me felt different, so I just tried to draw what I felt as best I could”

Choose one colour
Have a few different coloured pencils and chose just one or two colours each day to make any marks or drawing that comes to mind after checking in with body and feelings.

“I drew the picture above on a difficult day, when I couldn’t feel anything, but as I wondered about feeling nothing, and tried to think exactly how I could tell I was feeling nothing, I became aware of my feet and warmth over my head. I felt better after making it”

Cutting out or using photos:
Tear or cut out images from a paper, or chose a photo from your album that most matches how you feel. It doesn’t matter what it is- so long as it appeals to you and seems to match how you feel in some way.
“The picture below was something I cut out of a catalogue and stuck in my journal. It was an image of Christmas lights. I felt it was hopeful, sparkly, sociable, comfortable”

“When I drew the picture above, I was feeling scratchy and irritable, and also hurried. I poked the pencil hard on the paper. It was quite aggressive. I felt better after doing this”

“I took the photo above on my phone when I was on a walk, feeling a bit numb, flat and like I was “up against it”. It was cold and grey, and the wind had blown this hawthorn over, but it was still growing. It seemed to connect with how I was feeling”4. Reflection timeOnce you’ve done your drawing/ photo or other image, check back in with yourself.
How did it feel while you were making the image? If you couldn’t make an image and are staring at a blank page, that’s OK. How does this feel? If you forget to make an image one day, that’s OK too- try getting back to it the next day
How do you feel now? Has anything changed?
Are you pleased with the image? If it could talk to you, what might it say?
If you like, make a few notes about this (but you don’t have to)
Looking at the record over time:
Keep an eye on your journal over time. Sometimes an image that didn’t seem important at the time feels important looking back.
If you are making loose images, try to keep them in a folder or box, or take photos. Sometimes looking at the image the next day can be interesting, or taking a time to look back over a week. Are you seeing any themes? Do you feel the same each day or do your feelings change?
If things are difficult, do you need any help? We aren't a treatment or emergency service but click here for urgent help
It can be really helpful to join a group and discuss your journalling experience with others. A group won’t be critical of anything you have noticed and your experience might help others.
There is evidence that this kind of mindfulness of your feelings, and the experience of connecting to them in this creative way, can be very helpful to mental wellbeing.
The ScienceThere is scientific evidence for this practice, and we’re happy to share some of what we’ve enjoyed reading, and learning about this area (below):Visual journalling is the kind of practice it is difficult to study and is based on years of clinical experience, for example many art psychotherapists will use it. It is hard to evaluate the benefits of being really in touch with how you are feeling and put figures to this, but here are some studies you might be interested in.Mercer, A., Warson, E. and Zhao, J., 2010. Visual journaling: An intervention to influence stress, anxiety and affect levels in medical students. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 37(2), pp.143-148.
This study followed some medical students who kept a visual journal. They reported their mood improved and they were less anxious
Martin, L., Oepen, R., Bauer, K., Nottensteiner, A., Mergheim, K., Gruber, H. and Koch, S.C., 2018. Creative arts interventions for stress management and prevention—a systematic review. Behavioral Sciences, 8(2), p.28.
This was research looking at a number of different artistic practices for stress management and reported that arts can be very helpful in stress reduction
Kaimal, G., Ray, K. and Muniz, J., 2016. Reduction of cortisol levels and participants' responses following art making. Art therapy, 33(2), pp.74-80.
This study looked at stress hormones before and after art making and found they went down
The practice we are doing before doing our journalling is a type of mindfulness. There are lots and lots of studies showing the benefit of mindfulness for mental health. Here are a couple of recent studies:Reangsing, C., Rittiwong, T. and Schneider, J.K., 2020. Effects of mindfulness meditation interventions on depression in older adults: A meta-analysis. Aging & Mental Health, pp.1-10.
This showed mindfulness is helpful in depression for older people
Blanck, P., Perleth, S., Heidenreich, T., Kröger, P., Ditzen, B., Bents, H. and Mander, J., 2018. Effects of mindfulness exercises as stand-alone intervention on symptoms of anxiety and depression: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 102, pp.25-35.
This showed that mindfulness has a positive impact on depression and anxiety
These books might be useful for background readingHeaversedge, J. and Halliwell, E., 2012. The Mindful Manifesto. Hay House, Inc.Leavy, P. ed., 2017. Handbook of arts-based research. Guilford Publications.Cameron, J.ed 2016. The Artists’s Way: A Course in Discovering and Recovering Your Creative SelfPlease let us know how you get on with your visual journalling, and if you need any help. We wish you well!

“I found these 6 toy ducks. Every day for a while, I spent some time being mindful of my feelings and then moved the ducks around and took a photo. Sometimes the “ducks were in a row”, and sometimes they weren’t. I enjoyed this practice and it was really quick. I kept the ducks on the table and did this just after breakfast most days for a few weeks”

Code of conduct for participants at The Ashdown Hub
We want our group to be safe and friendly.
These are rules we have agreed together for all participants, volunteers and staff.
Please ask if you want any more details or if you have suggestions
Alcohol or illegal drugs must never be brought to the group.Anyone noticeably under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs will be politely asked to leave that session.Everyone is equally welcome. No form of discrimination will be tolerated. This includes discrimination on the basis of race, gender, colour or religion.We are a kind group. Bullying or intimidating behaviour of any form is not OK. We give each other our kindly attention and silence phones.We are a safe group. Violence or threat of violence (physical or verbal) is not OK.We are a confidential group. Any personal information shared by participants must remain strictly confidential. We don’t take photos of anyone in the group, or of their work, without permission. For online groups, we ensure we access the group in a private space.
There are a few exceptions. All participants must agree that Ashdown Hub staff work as a team and can share information with each other.
Participants understand staff must break confidentiality and disclose information to a third party, if staff believe a participant may be at significant risk of harm to themselves or others. Examples of a third party include the police, health or social services.
We are a caring group. If a participant is worried about the health or safety of another participant, they agree to encourage that participant to seek professional help and/ or speak to a member of staff or volunteer. Participants will not support others alone or keep concerns secret from the group.
Whilst participants may form friendships outside the group, they will keep discussion of issues raised in the group to the group. Group members will not start intimate relationships with each other whilst attending the group.
Under no circumstances must any participant ask to borrow money from any other participantSwearing is not OK.This is a safe, considerate space for all. Sexual behaviour, whether physical or verbal, is not OK in the groups.

Here are some resources from our group:A nice video from colleagues in Torquay here: are some poems we have read in the groups:The Moment by Marie Howe
Oh, the coming-out-of-nowhere moment
when, nothing
no what-have-I-to-do-today-list
maybe half a moment
the rush of traffic stops.
The whir of I should be, I should be, I should be
slows to silence,
the white cotton curtains hanging still
The Owl Cries at night by Freya Manfred
The owl cries at night,
and I imagine her wide gold eyes
and feathered ears tuned
to the trembling woods and waters,
seeing and hearing what
I will never see or hear:
a red fox with one bloody paw,
a hunchbacked rabbit running,
sand grains grating on the shore,
a brown leaf crackling
under a brown mouse foot.
With so much to learn,
I could stop writing forever
and still live well.
The Ink Dark Moon by Izumi Shikibu
Although the wind
blows terribly here,
the moonlight also leaks
between the roof planks
of this ruined house
Enough by David Whyte
Enough. These few words are enough
If not these words, this breath.
If not this breath, this sitting here.
This opening to the life
we have refused again and again
Until now.
Until now.
It felt love by Haziz
How did the rose
Ever open its heart
And give to this world
all its beauty?
It felt the encouragement of light
Against its being.
we remain
Too frightened.
Wild Geese
Mary Oliver
You do not need to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees
for a hundred miles through the desert repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves.
Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.
Meanwhile the world goes on.
Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain
are moving across the landscapes,
over the prairies and the deep trees,
the mountains and the rivers.
Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,
are heading home again.
Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
the world offers itself to your imagination,
calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting-
over and over announcing your place
in the family of things.
The Patience of Ordinary Things. Pat Schneider
It is a kind of love, is it not?
How the cup holds the tea,
How the chair stands sturdy and foursquare,
How the floor receives the bottoms of shoes,
Or toes. How soles of feet know
Where they're supposed to be.
I've been thinking about the patience of ordinary things, how clothes
Wait respectfully in closets
And soap dries quietly in the dish,
And towels drink the wet
From the skin of the back.
And the lovely repetition of stairs. And what is more generous than a window?
A Gift. Denise LevertovJust when you seem to yourself
nothing but a flimsy web
of questions you are given
the questions of others to hold
in the emptiness of your hands,
songbird eggs that can still hatch
if you keep them warm,
butterflies opening and closing themselves
in your cupped palms, trusting you not to injure
their scintillant fur, their dust.
You are given the questions of others
as if they were answers
to all you ask. Yes, perhaps
this gift is your answer.
Kindness. Naomi Shihab Nye
Before you know what kindness really is
You must lose things, feel the future dissolve
in a moment
like salt in a weakened broth.
What you held in your hand,
what you counted and carefully saved,
all this must go so you know
how desolate the landscape can be
between the regions of kindness.
How you ride and ride
thinking the bus will never stop,
the passengers eating maize and chicken
will stare out the window forever.
Before you learn the tender gravity of kindness,
you must travel where the
Indian in a white poncho lies dead
by the side of the road.
You must see how this could be you, how he
too was someone who journeyed through the night
with plans and the simple breath
that kept him alive.
Before you know kindness as the deepest thing inside,
you must know sorrow
as the other deepest thing.
You must wake up with sorrow
You must speak to it till your voice
catches the thread of all sorrows
and you see the size of the cloth.
Then it is only kindness
that makes sense anymore,
only kindness that ties your shoes
and sends you out into the day
to mail letters and purchase bread,
only kindness that raises its head
from the crowd of the world to say
it is I you have been looking for,
and then goes with you every where
like a shadow or a friend.
Joy in Life Thich Nhat HanhYou must be completely awake in the present
to enjoy the tea.
Only in the awareness of the present,
can your hands feel the pleasant warmth of the cup.
Only in the present, can you savour the aroma,
taste the sweetness, appreciate the delicacy.
If you are ruminating about the past,
or worrying about the future,
you will completely miss the experience
of enjoying the cup of tea.
You will look down at the cup, and the tea will be gone.
Life is like that.
If you are not fully present,
you will look around and it will be gone.
You will have missed the feel, the aroma,
the delicacy and beauty of life.
It will seem to be speeding past you.
The past is finished.
Learn from it and let it go.
The future is not even here yet.
Plan for it,
but do not waste your time worrying about it.
Worrying is worthless.
When you stop ruminating about
what has already happened,
when you stop worrying about
what might
never happen,
then you will be in the present moment.
Then you will begin to experience joy in life.
The Bright Field R.S. Thomas
I have seen the sun break through
to illuminate a small field
for a while, and gone my way
and forgotten it. But that was the
pearl of great price, the one field that had
treasure in it. I realise now
that I must give all that I have
to possess it. Life is not hurrying
on to a receding future, nor hankering after
an imagined past. It is the turning
aside like Moses to the miracle
of the lit bush, to a brightness
that seemed as transitory as your youth
once, but is the eternity that awaits you.

You can play lots of different creative story games in our group. Here's an example. You sit around a table with a group of others, all have paper. You draw first one line, then, under it 3 lines, under this five lines, under this seven lines, under this five lines, under this three lines, under this one line.
You write a single word on your paper- any word. The everyone passes it clockwise round the table.
You read the word and fill in the three blanks underneath with words.
You end up making poems. Here are some examples. They can be profound and there are no wrong answers :)

Information for colleaguesThanks for being interested in our groups. We really enjoy connecting with colleagues.If your patient or client wishes to try a group, we recommend:
They can self refer via the website, email to [email protected] or using our application form (see contact us page).
Where there are complex support needs and filling in paperwork could be difficult, it is very helpful if a referrer helps complete the application form (again with the potential participant's consent).
We have thought hard about facilitating a safe and encouraging group experience.We have a number of very experienced clinicians (registered counsellors, medical doctor, psychotherapists) working with us and supporting our work.We are a registered charity (number 1192088), have registered clinicians in the volunteer and advisory team, experienced charity leaders in the trustee team, and volunteers are fully trained.Our primary theoretical frameworks are behavioural activation and mindfulness, and we only use safe and evidence-based practice.
We don't teach specific skills in the groups, and focus on the activities, but participants often learn skills as the facilitators model mindful attitudes and non-critical ways of thinking about situations and feelings.
We have a privacy policy, safeguarding policy, comprehensive insurance, undertake risk assessments and follow other best practice procedures, for example regarding clinical supervision, infection control and governance.
We are a member of MSVA, 3VA, and NVCO.
Funding comes from reputable sources, who hold us to account for how these are spent, such as The National lottery, our local council, The Henry Smith Charity and other reputable trusts and charities, as well as kindly individuals in the community, some of whom have funded us repeatedly over the years we have been in operation.Participants have lots of opportunity to input into how groups run- we will ask participants their opinion about what they want to do.
We also try to adapt activities in order to include as many participants as possible. We can sometimes provide lifts and adapted activities, and have supported people with complex health needs and disabilities.